Be Not Afraid of the Ego’s End — Face the Beauty of Who You Really Are

Becoming a transpersonal human being is the end of suffering and the beginning of a life beyond the personal limitations.

We know that the ego is the problem, or more precisely, the identification with the person.

But if we know that, why can’t we change?

It is a question of our innermost belief system. We are deeply convinced that we exist as an independent and a separate human being. Trapped in the dream of a fixed identity, the person who has a life, who does, thinks, loves, and breathes. Not only that, but we believe so strongly in our dream that we have no chance of tearing down the walls of our mental prison.

Ironically, what stops us most from waking up is that we want to wake up from that dream. The ego wants to transform the ego, and that’s like putting wood on the fire, hoping it will stop burning.

How can we transform ourselves?
The answer is devastating.
We can’t, it’s impossible.
We cannot transform ourselves.

Yes, we can make progress, but we will always come back to the same point, it’s a boomerang. No matter how hard we try, we can’t break the cycle. We stand in our own way.

A problem cannot be solved at the level at which it exists. It is the next level where the solution is already waiting. Instead of trying to solve the problem, go to the next level, where it does not exist. Since the problem is the identification with the ego, that is where the solution lies. To not identify with it. Which basically means living without ourselves as we know it.

It doesn’t mean disappearing or becoming a spineless and weak-willed individual. It is a shift in perception of who we are, deepening awareness.

It means to become Transpersonal. Living a life of beauty, compassion, and deep understanding of our true nature. Be free of suffering and the endless drama of the personal identity. This is not an advertisement for a far out all is beauty new age philosophy, but the reality of the Transpersonal identity.


I Am I Amness — Understanding Our True Self — Part 4


The Practical Meaning of : The Secret of Pure Consciousness and What It Means for Our Evolution