Article, True Self Karsten Ramser Article, True Self Karsten Ramser

If you believe your thoughts, you will be in trouble and disappointed - Understanding Our True Self - Part 22

Breaking Free from the Illusions of the Mind: Why Believing Your Thoughts Leads to Suffering and Disappointment

Thoughts are fleeting impressions, born out of the mind's endless engagement with memory, imagination, and interpretation. They are like clouds passing through the sky—transient, insubstantial, and often misleading. Yet, many of us grant them the power of truth, believing thought as though it holds some undeniable reality about ourselves, others, or the world.

3 min read image Meister Eckhart

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Article, Politics Karsten Ramser Article, Politics Karsten Ramser

Transcending Political Sides

Transcending political divides is vital to dismantle entrenched power structures and cultivate wisdom-driven change. Explore how understanding, unity, and systemic transformation can break cycles of exploitation and foster lasting progress.

5 min read image by the author with AI

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Article Karsten Ramser Article Karsten Ramser

Ibn Arabi - Commentary on Wahdat al-Wujud (Unity of Being)

Ibn Arabi’s Wahdat al-Wujud transcends the confines of time, offering a vision of existence that is as relevant today as it was in his era. By framing life as an eternal unfolding of divine reality, his teachings invite us to move beyond the illusions of separation and embrace the interconnectedness of all things. For the modern seeker, his philosophy is not merely a theoretical construct but a transformative guide, providing clarity and purpose in a fragmented world.

6 min read Image by the author

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Article Karsten Ramser Article Karsten Ramser

The Inevitability of Poverty and Its End

In this article, I would like to look at poverty from two different perspectives. On the one hand, it is inevitability in the context of human consciousness, and on the other hand, it is an opportunity for change.

10 min read

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Article, Re-Think Karsten Ramser Article, Re-Think Karsten Ramser

Re-Think Poverty

When we desire more than enough, we feed a system that creates poverty at all levels. Rethinking poverty requires us to relinquish the desire to become rich and to recognize that life itself is more than enough.

4 min read

Image: Painting by Karsten Ramser

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