Find the Visionary Meaning of Heart and Mind - Heartmind

Find Meaning: The Heartmind Vision

The fabric of meaning in the profound network of existence closely intertwines with the vast fields of consciousness. Our awareness is closely linked to the essence of life. In this great cosmic dance, we can’t find an objective definition of what life is all about.

To engage in the futile endeavour of dissecting an ultimate purpose of life is to lose oneself in the barren landscapes of conjecture and projection. But in the exchange of perspectives, without claiming the stone of wisdom for ourselves, we can cultivate a peaceful fabric of wisdom, which has space for all the meanings of life, without the need to be right, without the need to make the other wrong.

The revelation of what it means to be human, the unraveling of the meaning of life, unfolds within the temporal circumstances. It is a product of our cultural, social and genetic framework. We are children of our society. This creates the kaleidoscopic diversity, the incessant flow, and the richness of existence. Life would be very boring with only one meaning.

Meaning has three levels

Regardless of the wide variety of what we believe about life, we can consider three different ways to fill the cap with meaning.

  1. Cognitive realm of the mind

  2. Emotive sanctuary of the heart

  3. Harmonious convergence of both in the holistic dance of Heartmind.


The mind, a labyrinth of philosophy, spirituality, ideals, politics, and lifestyles, constructs the mental edifice of meaning through interpretation. It lays the groundwork for the cognitive framework that shapes our understanding. When this interpretation is healthy and grounded in a solid connection with the earth and the cosmos, peaceful we be our life. The other side of the coin is an unhealthy world view, disconnected from the ground of existence, reduces us to a single dot in a vast and empty universe.

The Heart

Conversely, the heart, the pulsating center of feelings, emotions, intuition, and love, provides the experiential foundation for the meaning embedded in our everyday existence. Here, in the realm of the heart, meaning is not a conceptual abstraction, but a living expression of the soul. The heart needs the guidance of wisdom. Only with a compassionate mind we can break the vicious circle of violence, fear and war. Blind feelings and uncontrolled emotions are the road to destruction.


The Heartmind vision offers a seamless integration that harmonises the intertwined threads of mind and heart, weaving a synthesis that gracefully transcends all opposites and contradictions. In this exquisite convergence, the endless stream of thoughts and feelings find a sublime balance, giving us insight into what it means to live in deep peace and fulfillment. This alchemical union of heart and mind is a transcendent experience that takes us beyond the realm of opposites and into a new epoch of human evolution. In this transcendence, this elevation, we find ourselves on the precipice of the next evolutionary step - a conscious ascent fuelled by the integrated wisdom of the Heartmind, beckoning us to the unexplored horizons of our collective potential. The quest for meaning echoes the recognition of its absence. This understanding marks the genesis of a journey, an intuitive knowing that beyond the frenetic pursuit of happiness, wealth, and status, there exists a deeper dimension—an understanding that transcends the insatiable hunger for perpetual accumulation of stuff and the ceaseless march towards the ‘more, new and next’.


Wisdom Is the Power


We must be the future consciousness