Future Is Coming

The Future is coming __ Consciousness is the key

Not power / Not politics / Not war / Not a pandemic

Will bring the shift / Consciousness will do


Ready to do what needs to be done?

Ready to leave the comfort zone?

Ready to be Ready?

Ready to give it all?

Change will not come by accident

Nor by powerful people

Waiting for the Savior leads to misery

Believing politics is suicide

Capitalism must die

Democracy is already dead

Kings, leaders, dictators will try

Consciousness will sweep them away

Nobody is smarter than evolution

Great crisis / Great changes / That's the role

You like or not, doesn't matter

Life doesn't care about what we want

Life has a direction and we can go with it

Or leave space for something/someone more conscious

The changes will be mind-blowing

Most of us are not ready now

Maybe tomorrow

It is possible that we suffer tremendously

We do anyway already

Great pain with change is better

Then never-ending suffering without change

When it will happen / Who knows?

May today / May tomorrow / May in fifty years

But it will happen / One way or another

May we blow it all up?

May we make it?

Uncertainty is the sugar of life

Knowing what will come

Is the end of the game

May we will lose?

Life will remain

Nobody can stop consciousness

When we decide to give up our

Small-minded vision of human-centered existence

Life will fill the void

The only change we have is

Taking our place

Stop thinking that humans are the center

Start thinking that life is the center

Stop believing we are the person only

Start knowing that we are life in a form of a human


There Is No Doubt — Understanding Our True Self — Part 11


Be Aware of This — Understanding Our True Self — Part 10