Only the Mind Is Born, Not You, You Are Consciousness - UNDERSTANDING OUR TRUE SELF - PART 27
Let go of the identification with the mind, and you will see that you were never truly bound. You have always been free
The Birth of the Mind
The mind, as we know it, is a construct born out of conditioning which leads to identification. It emerges from our interactions with the world, shaped by experiences, social-cultural-genetic influences, and personal attachments. From the moment we learn language, we begin to label ourselves and the world around us. These labels form the foundation of the mind’s narrative—a story about who we think we are.
Yet, this birth of the mind is not the birth of you. The mind’s chatter, opinions, judgments, and automatic thinking are like clouds in the sky—transient and impermanent. You, the observer of these thoughts, remain untouched. The mind may claim ownership over “your” life, but this is an illusion. It is a tool, not the master.
The Unborn Consciousness
You are not the mind, and you are not its contents. You are the pure, unborn awareness within which the mind arises and subsides. Consciousness itself is never born, and it never dies. It is the silent witness, the eternal presence that remains unchanging amidst the ever-changing experiences of life.
Birth and death apply only to the body and the mind, both of which exist in the realm of time. Consciousness, however, transcends time. It is the timeless essence of your being, the formless reality that cannot be defined or limited. To realize this is to step beyond the illusion of birth and death.
The Illusion of Identification
The root of suffering lies in identifying with the mind. Thoughts and emotions arise, and instead of observing them, we claim them as “mine.” This creates the illusion of a personal self, a separate entity struggling against life’s challenges.
But this identification is not real. Just as an actor is not the role they play, you are not the “character” your mind has constructed. You are the awareness in which this character appears. The moment you stop identifying with the mind, you experience freedom. Thoughts lose their power to define you, and emotions no longer control you. You see them for what they are—passing phenomena within the vastness of (your) consciousness.
The Experience of Being
To recognize that only the mind is born is to awaken to your true nature. This realization is not intellectual; it is experiential. It arises when you turn your attention inward and rest as the observer. In that stillness, you discover that you are not a person trying to become enlightened. You are already the light of awareness; you are awareness itself.
This truth can be glimpsed in moments of silence, when the mind is quiet, and the sense of being radiates effortlessly. It is in these moments that you know—not as a concept, but as a direct experience—that you are consciousness itself, free and whole, beyond all limitations.
Final Thought
The mind may be born and may die, but you, as consciousness, remain untouched. Recognizing this is the key to liberation. You are not the fleeting waves on the surface of the ocean; you are the ocean itself, infinite and boundless. Let go of the identification with the mind, and you will see that you were never truly bound. You have always been free.
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