- / Advaita
- / AI
- / Awareness
- / Belief
- / Birth
- / Book
- / Buddha
- / Buddhism
- / Change
- / Climate Change
- / Confusion
- / Connection
- / Consciousness
- / Contemplation
- / Context
- / Courage
- / Crisis
- / Darkness
- / Death
- / Deep Understanding
- / Democracy
- / Doubt
- / Essence
- / Europe
- / Evolution
- / Existence
- / Experience
- / Freedom
- / Future
- / Gangaji
- / Good
- / Guilt
- / Heart
- / Homo sapiens
- / Human Intelligence
- / I Am
- / Ibn Arabi
- / Illusion
- / Integral
- / Intelligence
- / Interconnectedness
- / Interview
- / Investigation
- / Knowledge
- / Levels of Consciousness
- / Life
- / Love
- / Maps
- / Meaning
- / Mind
- / Nature
- / New Society
- / New World
- / Nondual
- / Nothing
- / Nuclear-Winter
- / Oneness
- / Pain
- / Painbody
- / Peace
- / Perception
- / Politics
- / Poverty
- / Power
- / Practice
- / Pre-Personal
- / Pure Awareness
- / Re-Think
- / Reality
- / Richness
- / River
- / Science
- / Seeking
- / Short-Text
- / Silence
- / Simple
- / Society
- / Source
- / Stillness
- / Success
- / Suffering
- / Sufi
- / Surrender
- / The Knower
- / The Seer
- / The Self
- / Thinking
- / Together
- / Transformation
- / Transpersonal
- / Trinity
- / True Self
- / Unconscious
- / Understanding
- / Unity
- / USA
- / War
- / Who I Am
- / Wisdom
- / World
Translation: We suggest to use Deeply.
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It (The Mind) Gives Birth to Whatever It Likes - UNDERSTANDING OUR TRUE SELF - PART 25
The mind's creations are like shadows cast by the light of your awareness. They may appear real, but they have no independent existence. In realizing this, you become free. You cease to identify with the mind’s births and rest in the infinite space of your being, untouched and unbound. The mind may continue to create, but its power over you dissolves.
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As long as I live
My dear friend, I am the present moment.
What else can I be?
To carry out this consciously is my highest goal.
As long as I live.
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