We Must Raise Our Voices

For most of my life, I was on a spiritual journey, largely ignoring worldly affairs. I am still convinced that our madness can only be healed on a spiritual level. But in recent years, my perspective has shifted, Corona was the trigger. The COVID-19 crisis, a mass disinformation campaign that stripped us of our individual rights and locked us up without having done anything illegal, changed my outlook. Now, I strongly believe that wisdom, spirituality, and politics must come together. With every passing day, this belief grows stronger.

Thanks to the wisdom that has graced my life, I have tools to cope with the current madness, without being consumed by negativity. Yet, my heart and soul remain deeply shocked by the tragic events unfolding and their potential consequences. This is why I write: because only we, collectively, can stop this madness. If we unite and raise our voices together, politics will have no choice but to respond. Perhaps it’s just an illusion, but it’s an idea—and no bombs, no repression, and no lies can stop an idea. The idea is this: peace is possible. Let us raise our voices together.

Let me be clear from the start: even one death—no matter who is responsible—is one too many. The loss of a child shatters a mother’s heart, regardless of whether she is Jewish, Palestinian, or Iranian. Above all, she is human.

We must be cautious not to fall into the trap of hatred, as this will only amplify the negativity. Those who support Israel's war machine are lost souls—sick at heart and confused in mind. If someone is indifferent to or, worse, celebrates the pain and death around them, they are already living in hell. For these souls, all I can feel is compassion—they have lost their sense of what it means to be human.

My heart and soul are with the victims, and I pray that their suffering will lead to a deeper understanding, one that breaks the vicious cycle of endless repression and killing.

There are many things we can do, and each of us must find our way to raise our voice—not in protest against war, but in support of peace. Not in opposition to Israel, but in the pursuit of understanding. Most importantly, we must work each day to become more conscious and strive to elevate ourselves to a higher plane of existence.

Israel’s current behavior reveals a painful truth: unless we change our consciousness, the oppressed will inevitably become the oppressors. The Jewish people were persecuted for centuries—driven from their homes, burned, and gassed. Yet, rather than learning from this tragic history, today they perpetuate the very actions that were once inflicted upon them.

The key to ending this madness lies in elevating our awareness. It is the only way to stop the brutal cycle of "the strongest does whatever he wants."

Certainly! Here's a gentle invitation you can include at the end of your blog post:

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The Levels of Consciousness - part one


It Cannot Be Known With the Mind, Yet It Exists - Understanding Our True Self - Part 13