It (The Mind) Gives Birth to Whatever It Likes - UNDERSTANDING OUR TRUE SELF - PART 25
The Mind as the Creator of Perception - The Core of the Mind’s Creations - Freedom Lies in Observation - The Ultimate Realization
The mind is a fertile ground, constantly producing ideas, stories, interpretations, and identities, shaping the world we experience. It does not require reality as it is to create its own version; instead, the mind lags behind the present moment, weaving a narrative that is a step removed from the truth of now. Whatever it entertains—be it dreams of beauty or fears of darkness—it nurtures into existence within the fabric of our consciousness. The mind, like an artist, gives birth to whatever it likes, weaving a tapestry of reality that feels vividly real yet is inherently transient.
The Mind as the Creator of Perception
Every thought, belief, or memory that arises is a seed planted by the mind. Left unchecked, these seeds can grow into dense forests of attachment, anxiety, or joy. The mind actively constructs the way we perceive and experience reality. Rather than passively receiving external stimuli as they are, it filters, interprets, and colors those stimuli based on its internal narratives. Thoughts, beliefs, projections, and memories profoundly shape this process: beliefs influence how we interpret events, memories color present experiences, projections light up what still doesn't exist, and thoughts create stories that can feel as real as the world itself. This act of creation is both a gift and a trap—while the mind's ability to imagine opens infinite possibilities, its tendency to cling to illusions can obscure the truth.
The Core of the Mind’s Creations
At the heart of the mind’s creations lies a complex interplay of forces. Desire is undoubtedly one of its drivers, shaping thoughts and projections based on what the mind yearns for. Yet, it is not the sole factor. Instincts, conditioning, curiosity, and the fundamental need to make sense of the world also fuel the mind’s activity. Additionally, the mind often functions as an automatic mechanism—it thinks for the sake of thinking, generating thoughts without deliberate intent, akin to a machine running its program without conscious direction. These forces work together to mold thoughts, beliefs, and interpretations. When the mind seeks pleasure, it creates scenarios of bliss; when it fixates on fear, it constructs intricate webs of anxiety. This interplay perpetuates the illusion that the external world is responsible for our experiences, when, in truth, the mind is the silent architect.
Freedom Lies in Observation
To see the mind clearly is to understand its creative nature. When you observe the mind without interference—simply watching its likes, dislikes, and preferences—you begin to detach from its creations. This act of observation reveals a profound truth: the mind does not define you. You are not the creator of the mind’s birthings; you are the silent awareness in which they arise.
The key is not to suppress the endless activity of the mind, but to let it create freely while remaining unattached. Recognize its stories as mere waves on the surface of the ocean—ripples that cannot disturb the vast stillness of your true self. When the mind gives birth to desires or fears, allow them to come and go, understanding that they are not you.
The Ultimate Realization
The mind's creations are like shadows cast by the light of your awareness. They may appear real, but they have no independent existence. In realizing this, you become free. You cease to identify with the mind’s births and rest in the infinite space of your being, untouched and unbound. The mind may continue to create, but its power over you dissolves.
The mind gives birth to whatever it likes, but you are not bound by what it creates. You are the infinite sky, while the mind’s creations are passing clouds. Watch them, let them drift, and remain as you are—pure awareness, eternally free.
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