Know That You Exist Before Knowing Anything Else — Understanding Our True Self — Part 8
One Thing for Sure — The Place of Our Origin — Forget and Remember
One Thing for Sure
What do you know for sure?
No interpretation
No opinion
No beliefYou exist
It doesn’t matter what we think. Even if we believe that nothing is real and everything is just an illusion, we do so because we exist. If we say everything is just a dream, we must exist in order to dream.
Smart people say, *I know that I know nothing*, which is not true, they know that they know nothing, so they know at least one thing. This statement implies that you know you exist. Pure logic.
The Place of Our Origin
Knowing that you exist is the I Am observed by the mind. To understand this is to return to the source. The place of our origin. Empty, peaceful, and cosmic.
All our knowledge, identification, concepts, ideas, philosophies, and our whole life is built on existence. Even though this is most obvious, we are hardly, or not at all, aware of it. Everything seems to be more important.
Forget and Remember
When we forget that we exist, as life itself in the form of a human being, we have lost touch with the present moment. We have lost the grace of simply being.
The spiritual journey is to remember. To come back to the simplest, to know that we exist in the vastness of the experience of the one existence.
All our so important agenda takes its natural place. Nothing is more important than knowing that existence exists. You, me, we are this existence. Living in this awareness is the purpose of human existence.
Doubt if you want, play rational games, but once you have this experience, life becomes an eternal dance in the here and now.