Remain as the Seer- Understanding Our True Self - Part 17

Awareness Beyond the Mind

Remain as the Seer

In the journey of life, we are often lost in the roles we play, the identities we assume, and the beliefs we hold. Yet beneath these fleeting layers lies the unchanging witness—an essence that observes without judgment, attachment, or fear. This is the Seer, the silent observer of all experiences. To "remain as the Seer" is to step back from the drama of existence and rest in the awareness that perceives all, untouched by the tides of emotion, thought, and feeling.

The Seer is not the mind that we normally mistake for our true self. The uncontrolled mind is a restless creator, weaving narratives, projecting fears, and chasing desires. It reacts, plans, and analyzes, constantly seeking control over a world it cannot grasp. In contrast, the Seer is pure awareness, a still point from which all thoughts and emotions can be witnessed without interference.

Remaining as the Seer requires a profound shift in perspective. Instead of identifying with the transient—our bodies, our roles, or our beliefs—we learn to identify with the timeless. This shift does not negate our humanity, but illuminates it. We see thoughts as passing clouds in the sky of pure awareness, emotions as waves on the ocean of existence, and feelings as leaves in the wind of the temporal personal self. The Seer remains unmoved, free from the illusion of separation.

Freedom from Identification

The greatest source of suffering in life stems from identification: "I am this," "I am that," or "I should be this or that." When we identify with our thoughts, they control us. When we identify with our emotions, they overwhelm us. When we identify with our feelings, we suffer. But the Seer knows: "I am not my thoughts. I am not my emotions. I am not my feelings. I am that which observes them."

This detachment is not a denial of life, but a deeper engagement with its truth. To remain as the Seer is to watch the unfolding of life without being swept away by its currents. When anger arises, the Seer notices it. When joy emerges, the Seer observes it. In every moment, there is freedom in this witnessing.

This detachment leads to clarity. From the position of the Seer, we no longer see the world through the distorted lens of personal biases, hopes, and fears. We see things as they are, not as we wish them to be. This clarity allows us to act not from the reactivity of the personal self but from wisdom, not from fear, but from compassion.

The Practice of Remaining as the Seer

To remain as the Seer is not an intellectual exercise, but a lived practice. It begins with awareness—an intentional observation of thoughts, sensations, and emotions as they arise. This practice is supported by moments of stillness, where the mind is quiet and the awareness of the Seer is ever present.

Meditation and contemplation are one of the most effective tools to deepen this awareness. We train ourselves to be in silence, observing without attachment. Thoughts come and go, but we remain still. Over time, this practice extends into the movements of daily life. Every conversation, every task, every challenge becomes an opportunity to remain as the Seer.

It is important to approach this practice with patience and compassion. The mind will resist, will find all kinds of reasons, back with feelings and emotions, to stop practice. Old patterns of identification will surface. Yet each moment offers a choice: to sink back into the drama of the mind, or to rest as the Seer. With time, the pull of the mind weakens, and the freedom of the Seer becomes more accessible and the practice easier.

Beyond the Seer

Remaining as the Seer is not the final step, but a gateway. From this position of pure awareness, a deeper truth reveals itself: the unity of all existence. The Seer and the seen are not separate. The observer and the observed are one. This realization dissolves the duality between self and other, leading to a profound sense of oneness with the cosmos.

In this state, life is no longer a series of struggles or achievements, but a harmonious unfolding. The Seer becomes the whole—the dance of existence itself. By remaining as the Seer, we rediscover our true nature, infinite and free, beyond all forms and labels.

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