Your True Nature Is Beyond Description - Understanding Our True Self - Part 14
Be still and let them talk. Go inside, and you find what is real
Not all the words of all times
Not all science of epochs
Not all artworks of every artist
Can description your true nature
True nature is nature itself
You are nature in the form of a human
How describe nature?
With words?
May with poetry
Melting in music
Disappear in the symphony of the present moment
The gentle touch of a loved one
Can tell you who you are
No form can hold what you are
No condition can enclose your true nature
What is left when all is gone?
No more wanting more
Just being
Emptiness, with no identity
When you recognise yourself in one single breath, you got a glimpse of your true nature. But in the moment of making it ours, it is lost. The person you think you are, is just a temporary ray of the cosmic light. In our confusion and disorientation, we become to believe that the personal self is who we are. We blind ourselves, pretending to know the way. Children’s playing to be adult, finding all kinds of secondary toys to play. Playing god, turning nature into an enemy, making control the new religion, and trying to press life into mental concepts. In our addiction to label everything, the mathematics are setting the norm and declaring it reality. A death cosmos is the result, full of dark matter, black holes, and one big bang, which explains nothing, except the meaningless philosophy of blind energy.
Be still and let them talk. Go inside, and you find what is real.
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