Transpersonal Life
Explore transpersonal reality as a real option for the radical and profound change we need
The Future is Transpersonal
I am writing this article to encourage you to explore transpersonal reality as a the option for the radical and profound change we need. Only transpersonal consciousness has the transformative power to change our destructive way of living.
My vision of transpersonal living is, of course, not exhaustive and will continue to evolve. The following text is a rough overview of the cornerstones of transpersonal society and the transition to it. It is not intended to present the less developed levels of consciousness in a poor light, and if I step on anyone’s toes, I apologise in advance.
Each point in the text is a complex topic in itself, and I will try to explain most of them in future articles.
Comments are very welcome.
Ground Statements
Nothing can stop life
Life is unstoppable.
We cannot stop the cosmic flow in any way.
Human beings are insignificant and, at the same time, a miracle of existence.
Life unfolds through humans
We don’t have a life.
We are life in the form of a human.
Life is conscious of itself through us.
Existence has a clear direction
From simple to complex.
From unconscious to conscious life forms.
Evolutionary setbacks are an essential part of the development of higher forms of consciousness.
Human consciousness consists of four major levels
Nondual or Mystical.
Transformation of our immaturity
The human drama finds no solution at the current collective level of consciousness. Pre-personal and personal consciousness.
It doesn’t matter what we do at these levels; our immaturity is inextricably intertwined with these levels.
A transformation of our collective madness is only possible at the transpersonal level of consciousness.
From human-centeredness to life-centeredness
Transpersonal consciousness is a radical shift from a human-centered way of life to a life-centered existence.
This shift affects all areas of life. It breaks down the cultural, social, and even biological conditions that we consider our reality today.
Most of us are not yet able to recognize the transpersonal reality.
For change to unfold, it is not necessary for the majority to have recognised transpersonal consciousness.
It is enough that a certain number of people live on this level.
Transpersonal society
The transpersonal society is peaceful, compassionate, intelligent, cooperative, intuitive, integrative, non-competitive, non-capitalist, non-democratic, and wisdom is its centre.
Society is life-centered
Society is no longer centered around humans.
Life is the center.
Society is an organic structure that serves all forms of life.
The organisation of society is based on the principles of wisdom.
Decentralized small societies are integrated into a larger global network.
There is a global organizational structure for universal matters such as travel, the internet, the distribution of goods, communication, and all those things that cannot be organised at a local level. Everything else is organised locally.
The organisation and management of society are carried out by non-human intelligence life forms (formerly called AI).
We work in harmony with our inner being and to express the beauty of life.
Money is obsolete
Money is replaced by “Global — Information — Units (GIP)”.
These units are “earned” through service to all kinds of life forms.
The more we give, the more we get is the basic concept of GIP.
Wealth is an expression of wisdom
Wealth consists of inner and outer well-being.
Wealth is associated with wisdom and not with material things.
All basic needs are met.
A wealthy person is the one who lives in peace and serenity.
Usership replaced Ownership
Ownership exists only in relation to usership. Possessions are reduced to direct individual use or needs.
The concept of owning land, animals, and the planet itself is replaced by a holistic understanding of interconnectedness.
Wise councils
Governments have been replaced by wise councils.
Earth — Aliveness
The Earth is recognised as a living organism.
Non-human life forms
Non-human life forms (former AI) coexist with humans.
Family restructured
The traditional family structure has lost its function.
It is being replaced by the human family.
Children are no longer our children, but the desire of life to evolve.
Education and formation
Education and formation are seen as a lifelong process.
We learn who we are at the deepest level.
There is no general or centralized education system.
Education adapts to the specific situation of the individual.
Learning is seen as an essential part of life and only secondarily to achieve something.
Fear is an illness
Mental fears are non-existent; when they manifest themselves, they are threatened as a disease.
Life science
Science has abolished the blind energy belief system and is being replaced by an organic and cosmic science that recognises the cosmos as a living organism full of life.
This opens up infinite possibilities for connection and communication with other life forms.
Patterns, not Laws
Laws are replaced by cosmic patterns.
In an ever-evolving and ever-changing cosmos, there are by definition no fixed laws, only patterns. (Laws are an invention of the lower consciousness).
Human development
Humans will develop new characteristics such as telepathy, telekinesis, nondual thinking, nonlinear thinking, and multidimensional consciousness. This is more likely in the distant future, but it is a realistic potential.
The Transition
Predicting the transition is difficult, but there is a mixture of probabilities and intuitive guesses that makes it possible to make a statement.
The time frame for the transition is also unclear.
It could last a few years or up to 200 to 300 years.
What is more likely is that it will be one of great pain and epic suffering. A kind of 50% apocalypse.
The apocalypse mainstream projection that excludes any positive evolution and the Hollywood “Captain America” or “Iron Man” vision (leadership philosophy) are synonymous with the lower levels of consciousness.
The romantic new-age idea that, for some reason, a magical event will eliminate the “bad guys” and leave the “good guys” standing is a childish idea that makes it clear that the proponents of this vision are still living on the pre-personal level. Sorry guys, I’m not making fun of your vision, but this is how children imagine reality.
Many people will die, so the population will be dramatically reduced.
The whole planet will be severely affected. Something similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs or the explosion of the Teba volcano.
This epic event or evolutionary step harbors a gigantic potential for transformation.
After the event, we are left with three options. The idea that we will die out completely is unlikely, given our technological capabilities.
Firstly, the primitive (pre-personal) approach. The most terrible instincts will be awakened, and we will become brutal and cruel primitive humans for whom survival is all that matters.
Secondly, the fundamentalist approach (personal). Here we refuse to learn from the situation, idealize a better past, and fight everything that stands in the way of this ideal.
Thirdly, the transpersonal approach. This is the approach that has the best chance of making it. And why? Quite simply, because it is in harmony with evolution, with life itself, so to speak.
The transition will be very difficult. The transpersonal approach has to do things that are not transpersonal at all and fight the other two approaches.
Even if it is very likely that the transpersonal approach will eventually succeed, the outcome is uncertain. But, as we know, uncertainty is what makes life worth living.
The first two options will not give up, and they will fight fiercely because they are deeply convinced of the rightness of their endeavors.
Force is necessary to create the conditions for a transpersonal society.
It will be a process that will take decades — at least a generation or two.
In the same places, the old consciousness may persist much longer. But because they have no innovative spirit due to their traditional structure, they will fall behind the technological progress of the more advanced transpersonal society and, in the end, will have to bow to the evolution of consciousness.
Transpersonal collective consciousness is very likely the future of humanity. It is a natural evolutionary process. How and when it will emerge is unclear. It will be a difficult and painful transition, like the birth of a child. It is the birth of a new world, but the old world will try everything to maintain its position.
Our actions today, by being transpersonal human beings, will increase the possibilities for a transpersonal future; in fact, we are the very base of it. Without our action today, it will not happen.