Democracy has failed
The magnetism of democracy has become a myth
Democracy has failed. In fact, if we made a "Fact check", it never really existed. There were moments when we came close to it, but it was never really implemented. I would have loved to be wrong, and believe me, it was not easy to say goodbye to this beautiful dream.
Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln's famous statement sums up this dream (1). How can you not be enthusiastic about it?
The magnetism of democracy has become a myth in the sense of a symbolic meaning. It has profoundly shaped our idea of a better society. Millions of people have fought and died for it. That is why it is too difficult for us to recognize that it has not worked.
It is not a question of doubting the enormous progress that the project of democracy has brought us, and we should be grateful for that. However, we have long been in the process of reversing this progress on our way to an authoritarian society.
In my view, we must judge the success of a society on a global/holistic scale. We live in an interconnected world, and it is from this perspective that I judge democracy.
Great Challenge
In my opinion, one of the great challenges of our time is to create a society based on peace, consideration, closeness to nature, respect for all forms of life, compassion, collaboration, dignity and prosperity for all. And it is more than obvious that democracy does not offer this and even prevents it.
As long as we cling to the idea of democracy, we cannot build this new society. But this does not mean rejecting democracy as a whole; it has very good components that can and should be integrated into a new society.
The new society I am talking about integrates the useful aspects of democracy and negates the useless and destructive aspects. But before we build this new society, we must end democracy. For this, it is necessary to understand that it has not fulfilled the hopes it promised: freedom, equality, justice, and prosperity for all.
In the next article, I will lay down why democracy has not fulfilled its promise.
Please do not make any comparative comments with authoritarian systems. It makes no sense to portray a non-functioning system as good because other systems do not work or are even worse.
1 -This sentence comes from the speech Lincoln gave at the Gettysburg War Cemetery on November 19, 1863.