As long as I live

Losing your mind and regaining your balance

My dear friend, I am the present moment.
What else can I be?
To carry out this consciously is my highest goal.
As long as I live.

The day my journey comes to an end.
My friends will be sad.
But where can I go? I am here.
As long as I live.

Learning is living; living is learning.
Remember the intelligence that you have with every breath you take.
Trust in life; it trusts in you, always.
As long as I live.

I remember all the lives I have lived
You ask, how can that be?
I say I am life and ask you how can it be that you don’t remember?
As long as I live.

My dear friend, perhaps you think I’m out of my mind.
Yes, that’s right; I am out of my mind, but not as you think.
My mind is no longer a prisoner of itself.
As long as I live.

Today, it’s normal to be insane.
I can’t and don’t want to, live like this anymore.
Life longs to unfold.
As long as I live.

I have wasted so many years
wanting to be someone I am not.
Now I’m alive, and nothing can stop me.
As long as I live.

What should I be afraid of?
I am life, in the form of a human being.
and not a person who has a life.
As long as I live.

When this body passes away,
then the love that I am becomes a new body
may a human, may a tree, may a drop. Who knows?
As long as I live.


What We Seek, We Already Are — We Cannot Find What We Already Are


Who You Are Is the Source of Everything — Understanding Our True Self — Part 9