We Can Feel It, Right Now, Right Here, It Is Ever Present — Understanding Our True Self — Part 7

The I Am is omnipresent, thus life — All we have to do is nothing — Go into nature — The I Am is always there

We cannot find the I AM.
Just as we cannot find life.
It is. It was. It will be.
The I Am is omnipresent, thus life.

But for most of us, it is unknown or light years away.
I Am is the essence of all spiritual traditions, teachings and search movements.We name it differently, but these are just names, I AM remains.

We can feel it right now, right here, directly and spontaneously.
All we have to do is nothing.Just be still.
That is the easiest and the hardest thing to do.

The noise of the mind deprives us of this simplest experience
Being what is.
And turns into the most difficult.
Unattainable for the personal self.

Go into nature.
It will teach you.
Everything that exists, exists in stillness.
Only the mind is never still.

We cannot find it.
It will find us.
No need to worry.
The I Am is always there.

The personal self will do anything to avoid the ‘I Am experience’ or reduce it to an infantile event. It cannot be otherwise, it reflects its innermost structure.

At the personal levels of consciousness, we are deeply convinced that the human being is the highest form of existence, and since we cannot see beyond the personal vision of life at this level, we accept personal identity as the crowning glory of creation.

The lines of defense of the personal self are the wandering mind (monkey mind), the illusion of a separate identity, the notion of a solid reality with fixed laws in an ever-evolving cosmos, the delusion of control, human-centrism, and the fight against nature.

The toxic society we have created is based on these (unconscious) lines of defense against nature and anything beyond the personal self. This is why we have banished wisdom from our society, under the delusion that we can be smarter than life itself.

Since personal consciousness is only one stage in the evolution of human consciousness, sooner or later life will move on and leave behind the necessary but dysfunctional epoch of human-centrism.

We can fight life for a while, but we will never win the battle. Anyone who believes in the fairy tale of the mastery of life is like a child who believes in Father Christmas.

Once we have realized the higher level of consciousness, we know, because we feel it, that we will be here when the earth has left the toxic personal egocentric way of life behind, and we will look back with eyes of love and compassion with gratitude.

Discover the full range of insights with our series, Understanding Our True Self.


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